No. Title Date
1 20,000 words
2 Artronics systems
3 At an electric typewriter, October 19, 1976
4 Burke, Frank with student
5 CAD lab, September 6, 1986
6 Checking the computer manual
7 Collins, Winifred
8 ColtNet, December 19, 1996
9 Computer lab, DOS
10 Computers, July 1992
11 Concentrating on typing, 1966-1967
12 Furbee, Roger, in the classroom, December 2, 1970
13 Handler, Thomas and students
14 Headset and computer
15 Health Technology Finding Aid
16 Infotrac
17 Jumble of wires and equipment
18 Lynch, Mary with students
19 Machine shop
20 Magnetic tapes