Methodologies for Analyzing Biological Networks with a Focus on Drug-Drug Interactions, Drug-Disease Associations, and Chemical-Disease Associations

Material Information

Methodologies for Analyzing Biological Networks with a Focus on Drug-Drug Interactions, Drug-Disease Associations, and Chemical-Disease Associations
Series Title:
Student Symposium 2018
Eighmey, Ariel ( Author, Primary )
Ghosh, Phalguni ( Advisor )
Middlesex College, Department of Natural Sciences ( Sponsor )
Place of Publication:
Edison, NJ
Middlesex College
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
College students -- poster presentations ( lcsh )
Student Works -- Natural Sciences -- poster presentations ( lcsh )
Chemistry ( lcsh )
Biochemistry ( lcsh )
Middlesex College (Edison, NJ) -- Student works
Middlesex County College (Edison, NJ) ( lcsh )
Temporal Coverage:
Academic Year 2018-2019 ( 2018 - 2019 )
Spatial Coverage:
New Jersey -- Edison


The molecules in a biological system interact with each other to form molecular complexes, modules or pathways that carry out various biological functions. High-throughput research techniques have generated enormous amounts of data on many biological networks. The challenge now is to interpret the large volume of data and extract relevant information that could be used to improve healthcare and pharmaceuticals. Online repositories, such as KEGG, Reactome, CTD, Drugbank, and many more host a massive amount of data that can be readily represented as a network and then analyzed. Cytoscape is a free software platform that allows the investigation and visualization of integrated diverse networks. It is adaptable and expandable with over 300 applications that can be incorporated for numerous research requirements. Using Cytoscape to study biological networks, begins with building a combined network for the topic of interest and mapping the curated network for analysis. Being able to visualize combined and curateddata allows the researcher to understand and evaluate targeted information that would otherwise be cluttered in multiple massive networks. In this study, we have looked at drug-drug interaction networks and drug-disease associations networks. These biological networks display the potential cross-reaction between drugs and give a visual representation of the side effects of some common drugs

Record Information

Source Institution:
Middlesex County College Institution
Holding Location:
Middlesex County College Institution
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

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