Coachuila Restaurant: dreams and flavors from Mexico

Material Information

Coachuila Restaurant: dreams and flavors from Mexico
Series Title:
Immigrant Voices: New to Middlesex County
Sumano, Lisbeth
Hernandez-Sumano, Elizabeth
Espinoza-Wulach, Cristóbal ( advisor )
Place of Publication:
Edison, NJ
Middlesex College
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:
Physical Description:
Transcript and Images (JPEG)


Subjects / Keywords:
Mexican-Americans -- New Jersey -- Middlesex County
Immigrants -- United States ( lcsh )
Middlesex County (N.J.) -- history
oral histories ( lcsh )
Temporal Coverage:
spring 2022 ( 2021 - 2022 )
Spatial Coverage:
New Jersey -- Middlesex County


Coachuila was the gateway to living The American Dream, a Restaurant that was established in the year 1988, when the eldest of a crowded family living in the small towns in Mexico took the first steps into American soil to work long hours in screeching heat to make enough money to build a Restaurant that would act as a “Home” here in America for his family to live the dream they believed was just a fantasy. “Coachuila'' was the new chapter in their lives, it initially is what brought the family closer. Coachuila was a restaurant in Perth Amboy, New Jersey; the community was built with immigrants with similar background stories, opening up restaurants from their culture and seeking the American dream. This gave my family the comfort of having a community to build a sense of family they used to have back in their homelands. This restaurant allowed my family to live a better life. Their fantasies back home in Mexico, their dream allowed them to build a community in this new country. “Coachuila” is the start of the American dream. ( , )
Scope and Content:
This is a transcript [and/or recording] of an oral history interview that took place as part of the class projects for Middlesex College's History 221H class in the Spring of 2022.
(Biographical) Biographical Information about the Interviewee
(Venue) Recorded on [Date] at [Location] (optional)

Record Information

Source Institution:
Middlesex College
Holding Location:
Middlesex College
Rights Management:
This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative License. This license allows others to download this work and share them with others as long as they mention the author and link back to the author, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.