Murals in North Brunswick

Material Information

Murals in North Brunswick An Interview with Leon Rainbow
Series Title:
Oral History of Middlesex County
Martinez. Raul ( interviewer )
Rainbow, Leon ( interviewee )
Espinoza-Wulach, Cristóbal ( Advisor )
Place of Publication:
Edison, NJ
Middlesex College
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:
Physical Description:
[23] Minutes, [MP4]


Subjects / Keywords:
Subject -- Middlesex County (N.J.)
Middlesex County (N.J.) -- history -- Oral Histories
Murals- New Brunswick, (N.J)
oral histories ( lcsh )
Temporal Coverage:
2023 Spring ( - 2023 )
Spatial Coverage:
New Jersey -- Middlesex County


This interview is about the murals Leon Rainbow, along with other artist worked on in North Brunswick. In this interview Mr. Rainbow talks about his history of his artwork and what lead him up creating murals for towns.
General Note:
Leon Rainbow, a creative artist based in Trenton NJ, who merges various forms of art such as graffiti and street art to produce projects and events for towns in NJ. After high school Leon when to the Art Institute of Philadelphia for six months. He then went on to Mercer County Community College, and started doing murals in the city of Trenton. He continues his work by creating a message in each of his artwork.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Middlesex College Institution
Holding Location:
Middlesex College Institution
Rights Management:
This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative License. This license allows others to download this work and share them with others as long as they mention the author and link back to the author, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.