Festival Man: Pradip Kothari's Journey of Unity in the Indian-American Community

Material Information

Festival Man: Pradip Kothari's Journey of Unity in the Indian-American Community
Series Title:
Oral History of Middlesex County
Sethi, Dhruv ( interviewer ) ( Interviewer )
Kothari, Pradip ( interviewee ) ( Interviewee )
Espinoza-Wulach, Cristóbal ( Advisor )
Place of Publication:
Edison, NJ
Middlesex College
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:
Physical Description:
.PDF File (Transcript of Interview)


Subjects / Keywords:
Immigrant Voices -- Middlesex County (N.J.)
Middlesex County (N.J.) -- history -- Oral Histories
Middlesex College -- Edison N.J.
Indian-Americans -- New Jersey -- Middlesex County (N.J.)
Immigrants -- United States
oral histories ( lcsh )
Temporal Coverage:
2024 Spring ( - 2024 )
Spatial Coverage:
New Jersey -- Middlesex County
New Jersey -- Middlesex County -- Edison


The interview with Pradip Kothari provides insight into his remarkable journey from India to the United States and his pivotal role in fostering unity within the Indian-American community. Kothari's narrative encompasses significant topics such as his immigration experience, challenges faced, and his establishment of key organizations like the Indian American Cultural Society (IACS) and involvement with the Indian Business Association (IBA). Milestone moments discussed include the organization of large-scale cultural festivals and his recognition as the "Festival Man" by The New York Times. Throughout the interview, Kothari emphasizes the importance of resilience, community support, and cultural celebration in shaping the Indian-American narrative and envisioning a future of continued success and integration within American society. This is a transcript of an oral history interview that took place as part of the class projects for Middlesex College's History 222H class in the Spring of 2024. ( English, )
Recorded on April 26, 2024 at 1665 Oak Tree Road, Edison, NJ 08820
Pradip Kothari, born in Gujarat, India, emerged as a leading figure in the Indian American community, driven by a passion for unity and inclusivity. In the 1980s, amidst societal challenges, he co-founded the Indian American Cultural Society (IACS) to provide a supportive platform for cultural expression and solidarity. His leadership fostered a sense of belonging, enabling Indian Americans to celebrate their heritage and forge connections. Beyond cultural initiatives, Kothari actively engaged in other Indian-American organizations like the Indian Business Association (IBA), advocating for community interests and facilitating greater recognition and opportunities. His impact earned him the endearing title "Festival Man" in The New York Times, symbolizing his ability to unite and celebrate Indian culture in the United States, making him a beacon of inspiration for generations to come.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Middlesex College Institution
Holding Location:
Middlesex College Institution
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