Material Information

The History of Pino's Gift Basket Shoppe and Wine Cellar
Series Title:
Oral History of Middlesex County
Joshua Deulofeu ( interviewer )
Stephen Weinstein ( interviewee )
Siobhan Weinstein ( interviewee )
Espinoza-Wulach, Cristóbal ( Advisor )
Place of Publication:
Edison, NJ
Middlesex College
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:
Physical Description:
Audio [.mp4], Transcript [PDF]


Subjects / Keywords:
Subject -- Middlesex County (N.J.)
Middlesex County (N.J.) -- history -- Oral Histories
oral histories ( lcsh )
Temporal Coverage:
2024 Spring ( - 2024 )
Spatial Coverage:
New Jersey -- Middlesex County
New Jersey -- Middlesex County -- Edison


In this interview, Pino's owners, Stephen and Siobhan, discuss the rich history of Pino's Gift Basket Shoppe, tracing its origins back to the Prohibition era. They share insights into their journey of owning the establishment and the various transformations it has undergone over the years.
This is a transcript and audio recording of the Pino's Gift Basket Shoppe and Wine Cellar historical interview that took place as part of the class projects of Middlesex College's History 222H class in the Spring of 2024.
General Note:
Recorded on [May 30, 2024] at [Pino's Gift Basket Shoppe and Wine Cellar]
General Note:
Stephen and Siobhan Weinstein are the current owners of Pino's establishment, having taken ownership in 2013. They have since transformed Pino's Gift Basket Shoppe and Wine Cellar into the "lounge of Highland Park" with lively music performances, trivia nights, and frequent community-run events. Stephen's previous experience as the owner of a shipping company, combined with Siobhan's extensive knowledge of alcohol and the restaurant industry, has allowed them to skillfully reshape Pino's. They have successfully integrated their expertise while preserving the rich history of the establishment, creating a unique blend of the past and present.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Middlesex College Institution
Holding Location:
Middlesex College Institution
Rights Management:
This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative License. This license allows others to download this work and share them with others as long as they mention the author and link back to the author, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.