SAFD honors late firefighter Gerald "Bear" Celecki of street naming, Entry #15

Material Information

SAFD honors late firefighter Gerald "Bear" Celecki of street naming, Entry #15
Publication Date:


"The City of South Amboy honored Gerald "Bear" Celecki on October 13, 2018 with a street dedication, naming Celecki Drive after him. He answered his last alarm on October 14th, 2015. It was a huge lost at the time and still today for some. In remembrance and honor for his family, the department and the community."
General Note:
"canon rebel t5"
General Note:
A waiver was signed by the photographer.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Middlesex County College
Holding Location:
Middlesex County College Library
Rights Management:
Copyright to the creator, 2018 student at Middlesex County College